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High Holy Days 5784

All of the Rabbis' sermons, as well as President Judy Kalman's inspiring call for all of us to be one of those "Somebody Elses" in our community by doing "Just One Thing" are now available on the Congregation B'nai Shalom YouTube Channel. 

There are many ways YOU can step up to help OUR community. We are looking for volunteers to help with our weekly Onegs, to be a welcoming greeter at services, to join our dedicated Community Security Service (CSS) team, or to help us plan a memorable Adult Purim Party this March. It's simple to volunteer. Just aim your phone at the QR Code on the right, or go to

5784 Memorial Book

Our Book of Remembrance, distributed during Yom Kippur afternoon, is now available online at 5784 Book of Remembrance. If you would prefer a physical copy, please come to the office and pick one up, or contact the office and one will be mailed to you.

Sukkot and Simchat Torah

Sukkot is Friday, September 29, and will feature a Sukkot Shabbat service and an adult dinner and program on the topic of Homelessness. 
We will have a Family Sukkot Shabbat Dinner at 6:00 s, our Sukkot service at 6:45, and a VERY SPECIAL adult dinner and program on homelessness at 7:40 (program begins at 8:15). Click these links to register.

Simchat Torah on Friday, October 6 will feature a Holiday Shabbat Dinner at 6:00pm followed at 6:45 by our festive service with the Klezmer Band:

Thank you!

We want to take a few moments to thank all those who stepped up to their "Just One Thing" and volunteered to be one of our "Somebody Elses" during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We truly are a community that appreciates the efforts of all those who are there to help us be the vibrant, caring community we are.

Thanks to our Board of Directors for all their help, to Phil Leavitt and Glenn Randall for coordinating our ushers and greeters, to Carole Grayson and Elaine Solomon for coordinating those with honors and parts in our service, to Lauren Randall for coordinating our CSS volunteers, to Barney Kalman for arranging our parking lot crew, and to everyone who stepped up to be a "Somebody Else" over the past few weeks.

Thank you to our High Holy Days Greeters: Anita King, Stanley King, Allice Solorow, John Smiley, Judy Palken, Richard Palken, Greg Manousos, Veronique Orcel, Andrea Burns, Ken Burns, Kim Manning, Pat Rosenthal, Anita Breeze, Bob Breeze, Sandy Rovin, Lisa Chace, Ernie Wolshin, and Phil Leavitt.

Thank you to our parking lot team: Barney Kalman, Ted Shoemaker, Greg Manousos, and the rest.

Thanks to CBS Sisterhood for a wonderful delicious Congregational Break the Fast.

Thanks to Steven Goldstein and his crack AV crew.

Thank you to our CSS Security Team: Lauren Randall, Bill Stone, Dave Wilner, Thomas Moore, Virginia Marchant, Mark Hansen, and Jim Shore.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784