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Mitzvah Opportunities

Action lies at the heart of Judaism. Doing Jewish is central to being Jewish. For generations, we have been inspired to act by the mitzvot (commandments) found in the Torah and Rabbinic tradition. Mitzvot connect us to each other and to God as we seek to make the world we live in a better place for all. Reform Judaism articulates a vision of a future that each of us plays a part in creating through our deeds to improve the world through acts of Tikkun Olam (social justice; literally ‘repairing the world’).

Mitzvot take on many forms – ways of volunteering within Congregation B’nai Shalom to support our programs, activities and fellow members, and helping causes and needs in the greater community.

Congregation B'nai Shalom is proud to have signed a 'Brit Olam' (Covenant with our world) with the Religious Action Center of the Reform movement. This is a sign of commitment to make education, advocacy, and action on our core issues a part of how we share our Jewish values in the public sphere.

We encourage our members to sign up at the Religious Action Center to receive action alerts on ways that we, in partnership with thousands of Reform Jews around the country, can take action to help create a society that responds to core ethical principles and values found in the biblical and prophetic wisdom of our faith.

Racial Justice: In a joint statement by all branches and affiliate organizations of the Reform Movement, Reform Judaism affirms that Black Lives Matter is a Jewish ValueWithin our congregation, each of us has an obligation to listen, learn, and act. We have assembled some resources for learning here. We encourage our members to read more about the work of our movement and opportunities for advocacy here.

Social Action Focus: Homelessness

At Congregation B’nai Shalom, our Social Action focus is Homelessness by building our capacity for:

Advocacy – in order to address some of the underlying causes of homelessness, education about the issues

Education – for our youth and our adult population to better understand issues related to homelessness and what we can do, and

Action – through volunteering, fundraising, collections of goods, and more.

To help steer these efforts and add your talents and passions, please contact the Social Action Chairpersons.

In addition to projects and volunteering opportunities generated throughout the year by our Social Action committee, we are dedicated to helping congregants who bring a passion to a specific volunteering opportunity make use of the volunteer capacity of our congregation to support their project whenever possible.


The Religious Action Center (RAC) of the Union for Reform Judaism

For more than 50 years, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (or “the RAC”) has been the hub of Jewish social justice and legislative activity in Washington, D.C. At the DC office of the Union for Reform Judaism, the RAC educates and mobilizes the Reform Jewish community on legislative and social concerns, advocating on more than 70 different issues, including economic justice, civil rights, religious liberty, Israel and more. As a member of the URJ, social action at Congregation B’nai Shalom is guided by core values espoused by our movement. The RAC provides opportunities to learn about social justice advocacy with a teen program called ‘L’Taken’ (to repair) that our Confirmation class attends every year, and an annual convention, ‘The Consultation on Conscience’. The RAC provides resources on how to bring the lens of Jewish ethical teachings to respond to contemporary issues in the social and political realm.

To respond to RAC calls for advocacy on a range of issues currently under consideration in draft legislation, click here. To learn more about the RAC, click here.

Ongoing Volunteering Opportunities

CBS Cares

CBS Cares is our congregation-wide online network that enables us to provide for the short-term needs of fellow congregants recovering from illness, recent surgery, or mourning a recent loss. All members are part of town or area-based groups, so that neighbors can meet neighbors, and members can help each other locally. Drop off a meal, help with an occasional trip to a doctor’s appointment, make a friendly visit, or help set up refreshments at a shiva for someone in mourning. Contact the Temple office, and they will put you in touch with the CBS Cares Coordinator to learn more.


Oneg Captain Program

The Oneg Captain Program is overseen by Sisterhood's Oneg Coordinator. Captains coordinate the hosts and assist them with the setup and cleanup of the Oneg. Captains participate three to four times a year in rotation. New volunteers to the program receive training prior to captaining on their own. If you are an adult member of the congregation and would like to participate in this Manageable Mitzvah, please contact the Sisterhood Oneg Coordinator


Northborough Meals

Our congregation takes a turn as part of an interfaith network providing and serving a meal approximately every six weeks at Northborough Community Meals, hosted at Trinity Church, Northborough. Drop food off at the temple, or come to the church to help serve and interact with local people who come in search of a hot meal and some company.

We participate in Northborough Meals on a regular basis. Bobbi and Joel Feinblatt coordinate the meal. We will need main and side dishes, salads and desserts, as well as help setting up, serving, and cleaning up. Thank you so much to everyone who participates in this great family mitzvah. We are honored and blessed to have such wonderful volunteers.See the Temple calendar for upcoming dates.

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785